A Personal Invitation
Welcome to Holy Trinity!
Our website is meant to be a resource and one way for you to have the necessary tools to carry out your mission as disciples who are called to Pray – Study – Serve!
Now, more than ever, we need you! Your presence and your involvement are necessary for the success of our parish. As you discern if our parish family is where you belong, I ask that you please pray about the gifts and talents God has given you, and do not be afraid to put them to good use!
Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Fr. Shayne R. Duvall
Become a part of our parish family
Join the Parish!
- We are so excited you are here! To join the parish, please complete this registration form.
- Once completed, please scan (or snail mail) and return to the Director of Stewardship & Engagement.
- For your registration to be complete you will need to submit both the census and stewardship form.
- If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office by email or phone.

Worship with us
Mass Times at Holy Trinity
"You cannot pray at home as at church, where there is a great multitude, where exclamations are cried out to God as from one great heart, and where there is something more: the union of minds, the accord of souls, the bond of charity, the prayers of the priests." - CCC 2179
5:00 PM
8:30 AM | 11:00 AM
Sat: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Reconciliation Room
Mon, Wed, Fri
8:15 AM
Tues, Thurs
5:00 PM
What’s Happening At Holy Trinity
Click below to read this week’s bulletin to get a complete view of everything happening at our parish this week and in the weeks ahead. You can also browse past bulletins for previous information and resources.
Pray with the Pope
February 2024
For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
“Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.”
Mass Intentions
With our new online intentions portal, you can conveniently check Mass Intention availability and make payments via WeShare or directly to the parish office.
The recommended stipend for a Mass intention continues to be $10. Please contact the parish office with any questions. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Parish Ministries
Get Involved at Holy Trinity!

Formation Ministry
Formation Ministry at Holy Trinity includes Family Ministry, Youth Ministry, Religious Education (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sacramental Preparation, religious education for children K5-7th grade, OCIA & RCIC (the communal process of spiritual and educational formation for adults and older children who seek to become full members of the Catholic Church), and Adult Enrichment.

Liturgical Ministries
When the Church comes together in the liturgical assembly to celebrate the Mass, or any other sacrament, her members do not gather simply as a crowd of people. They gather in a variety of ministries and roles. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council tells us that participation in the liturgy is the right and duty of all the baptized.

Youth Ministry
Join the Holy Trinity Youth Ministry for a varity of enriching programs tailored to all ages, from Junior High to High School, including leadership opportunities and our vibrant Vacation Bible School.
Dive into a world of faith, fellowship, and fun, fostering growth and integration into the Holy Trinity community. For more details on how to get involved, click below.

Social Outreach
The Social Outreach Committee is a collection of the chairpersons from each major social outreach ministry. This group meets collectively on a quarterly basis to communicate important updates being done at the individual ministry level and to improve connectivity and mutual support.
Each of the subgroups share in one common goal: to provide charity and advocacy to our community and beyond.