Mission Statement

Founded in 1882, Holy Trinity Catholic Church pursues an ambitious and Spirit-filled mission:

“Following Christ’s example, we are striving to grow spiritually through worship, lifelong formation/education and service.  We are dedicated to building a loving, caring faith community, sharing our gifts with all God’s people.   In achieving our mission, we value prayer, reconciliation, participation, inclusion, outreach, stewardship and respect for each person.”

Holy Trinity members advance this mission in several ways:

  1.  Through contributions of time, talent and treasure (stewardship);
  2.  By participating in and/or leading one or more of the ministries of the Church; and
  3. Becoming more Christ-like in words, actions and behaviors.

The mission of the parish is also advanced by planned giving; investments in parish and Archdiocesan-affiliated endowment funds and through activities sponsored by the 1882 Society.

Planned Giving

Creating a legacy of love to Holy Trinity as well as the Archdiocese of Louisville is easy.  One method is to donate a portion of an estate to enable the Church to proclaim the Good News to every generation.

Consult with your family and financial professional and offer the following text in a last will and testament:

“I give, devise and bequeath (state the value and nature of the gift) to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Louisville, a corporation sole with primary offices at 3940 Poplar Level Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40213-1463, for the benefit and use of Holy Trinity Catholic Church.”

The gift could be cash, stock, real estate or other tangible assets, such as proceeds from a life insurance policy.  The gift may be restricted for a specific use (youth ministry, faith formation, worship, etc.) or endowment fund or designated as unrestricted.  

Please let the Church office know of your intentions and we will be humbled to offer an acknowledgement and appreciation for the gift.  For additional information, please contact the Church at 502-897-5207, extension 1102.

Holy Trinity Endowment Funds

Holy Trinity maintains three endowment funds:

  • Holy Trinity Parish Building a Vision
  • Holy Trinity Parish Eagle Endowment
  • Holy Trinity Clifton School George Kurtz Endowment

The Building a Vision Fund supports the parish’s general fund with proceeds used for the benefit of the poor and needy.

The Parish Eagle Endowment Fund supports the Holy Trinity School, faith formation programs and the educational mission of the Archdiocese of Louisville.

Holy Trinity Clifton School George Kurtz Endowment, created in honor of the brother of Archbishop Emeritus Joseph C. Kurtz, supports student tuition assistance and the operational needs of Holy Trinity Clifton School.

Archdiocese of Louisville or Archdiocesan-Wide Foundations, Funds and Charities

Planned or regular gifts to one of the entities listed below also advance the mission of Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

The Catholic Education Foundation promotes and provides access to Catholic education through tuition assistance grants for religious education, professional development, and technology investments.

The Catholic Foundation of Louisville offers a set of Archdiocesan-wide Funds.  The Seminarian Education Fund provides financial support to individuals seeking to discern or be formed as Catholic priests and members of religious orders.  The Priest Retirement Fund offers resources for the care and expenses of priests who have retired from active ministry duties, many after decades of service.

Catholic Charities of Louisville advocates for and offers services to people in need.  The Archdiocese of Louisville is a member of Catholic Charities USA.

For more information on these and other mission advancement opportunities, please contact (list the phone number or email of the Archdiocese’s Mission Advancement Office and then Catholic Charities of Louisville).

The 1882 Society

Created by then Holy Trinity Pastor and now Bishop J. Mark Spalding, the 1882 Society is being renewed in 2024.  The Society seeks to promote, recognize and celebrate gifts and efforts ensuring the long-term viability of Holy Trinity’s services and ministries.

Those individuals or families making significant investments in Holy Trinity are invited to participate in Society activities.  In 2024-2025, Society members will be invited to participate in a recognition dinner; a special Mass; as well as receive periodic updates and publications enhancing their formation and spiritual experiences.

For further information, please contact Reverend Steven Henriksen, Associate Pastor, at [email protected] or 502-897-5207, extension 1102.