
Children under the age of seven years are welcomed into life in Christ and the Christian community through the sacrament of Baptism.  Families are encouraged to contact the parish office as soon as possible when expecting a child, or shortly after their birth to secure availability of your preferred date/time. You may call the parish office at 502-897-5207 x1108; or complete the online form. Parents must attend a preparation session before celebrating their child’s baptism. 

Parents who have attended baptism preparation at Holy Trinity within the past 3 years for another child are excused from repeating the sessions. All are welcome to attend again if they choose.

  • A Baptism Registration Form must be completed and submitted prior to the scheduling of the sacrament.
  • Once this form is received, someone in the parish office will contact you to discuss the baptism plan. You may also call 502-897-5207 directly.
  • Please note: Submission of a baptismal information form does not guarantee your preferred date. 

Choosing Godparents

One godparent is required for Baptism, but two (a male and a female) may be recorded in the baptismal record. A godparent must be Catholic, at least 16 years of age, be baptized, confirmed, and have celebrated First Eucharist. They must be actively practicing their Catholic faith. A baptized, non-Catholic Christian may serve as a Christian witness to a Baptism along with a Catholic godparent.

Godparents have a special place in the life of a Catholic child. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states “… the godfather and godmother… must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized – child or adult – on the road of Christian life.” (#1255) This is the Church’s way of saying that being a godparent is truly a ministry in the Church, and not simply an honorary title.

The role of godparents is to pledge support to the parents of the infant being baptized as they strive to bring up their child in the practice of the faith. Godparents do this through the example of their own Christian lives and by maintaining a presence and interest in the life of the child.

If there are any other special requirements of godparents, you will be informed; but you are encouraged to ensure that the godparents you choose have membership at a parish that can be contacted for more information.


  • Baptismal Registration Form
  • Please return the completed form by email, fax 502-897-0962, dropping it off at the parish office, or regular mail.  
  • As stated above, be reminded that submission of a baptismal information form does not guarantee your preferred date.  
  • Call the parish office to verify the availability of your chosen date.